Safeguarding in the Tas Valley Team Ministry

We believe that every human being is made in the image of God. It follows that we should honour everyone regardless of their age, capabilities, gender or ethnicity.
Protecting the vulnerable, whether adults or children, is a responsibility carried by all in Christian ministry; we cannot be satisfied until we are sure we have done all in our power to protect them from harm. Our churches must be a safe haven.
Safe Haven for Children & Young People
The Diocese of Norwich issued the guidelines, called Safe Haven, on the protection of children and young people in November 2007.
It is an essential document for:
Clergy, Readers, Licenced Lay Workers, Named Persons for the protection of children or vulnerable adults.
It should also be held by, or easily available to, anyone whose work involves children, young people or vulnerable adults. This includes:
Youth & Children's Workers, PCC Secretaries, Pastoral Teams, Choir Leaders, Bell Tower Captains
Adults At Risk (Vulnerable Adults)
Within our churches we are committed to respectful pastoral ministry to all adults and the safeguarding and protection of vulnerable people.
Our policy is to:
Seek to offer pastoral care to anyone who has suffered abuse
Carefully select and train those with formal pastoral responsibility initiating DBS Disclosures where appropriate.
Respond without delay to any complaint made that an adult has been harmed
Challenge any abuse of power by anyone in a position of trust
Offer ministry to any member of our church community known to have offended against a vulnerable person.
Safe Haven for Vulnerable Adults
The Diocese of Norwich issued the guidelines, called Safe Haven, on the protection of vulnerable adults in November 2007. You can download it at the links below.
Training is available for those working with Adults who may be at risk.
If you have any questions about safeguarding please contact the Tas Valley Team Ministry Named Person:- Corinne Boyce tel. 470263 oe email
You can dowload the Safehaven documents and other resources fromSafeguarding Resources
Any allegations or suspicions of abuse must be directed immediately to the Bishop's Adviser for Safeguarding. Sue Brice on 07958 377079 or email sue.brice@dioceseofnorwich.orgWhere a child or adult is at imminent risk call 999.