Sunday Service Pattern

July 2024 28th Jul (9th After Trinity)
Newton Flotman  11:00 Morning Worship with Baptism - Austin Uzoigwe
(St, Mary's Church Newton Flotman)
Saxlingham  08:00 BCP Holy Communion - Dawn Davidson
(Saxlingham St Mary)

11:00 Contemplative Worship - Dawn Davidson
(Saxlingham St Mary)
Shotesham  09:30 Morning Prayer - Dawn Davidson
(Shotesham All Saints)
Swainsthorpe  09:30 Swainsthorpe Special Service - Lesley Cox
(Swainsthorpe St Peter)
Tasburgh  09:30 Holy Communion - Austin Uzoigwe
(St Mary's Tasburgh)
Upper Tas  09:30 BCP Holy Communion - Linda Ricketts
(Wreningham Church)

11:00 Morning Worship - John Hooper
(Fundenhall Church)
Readings Ephesians 3:14-end John 6:1-21
August 2024 4th Aug (10th After Trinity) 11th Aug (11th After Trinity) 18th Aug (12th After Trinity) 25th Aug (13th After Trinity)
Newton Flotman  11:00 Morning Worship - Lesley Cox
(St, Mary's Church Newton Flotman)
 11:00 Holy Communion - Dawn Davidson
(St, Mary's Church Newton Flotman)
 11:00 Morning Worship - Austin Uzoigwe
(St, Mary's Church Newton Flotman)
 11:00 No Service - Village Fete - No Service Today
(St, Mary's Church Newton Flotman)
Saxlingham  09:30 Holy Communion - Dawn Davidson
(Saxlingham St Mary)
 11:00 BCP Matins - Philip Simmons
(Saxlingham St Mary)
 09:30 Hoy Communion - Dawn Davidson
(Saxlingham St Mary)
 08:00 BCP Holy Communion - Dawn Davidson
(Saxlingham St Mary)

11:00 Contemplative Worship - Dawn Davidson
(Saxlingham St Mary)
Shotesham  11:00 No service here today - please join one of our other parishes
(Shotesham St Mary)
 09:30 Morning Light - John Torbitt
(Shotesham St Mary)
 11:00 Hoy Communion - Dawn Davidson
(Shotesham All Saints)
 09:30 Morning Prayer - Dawn Davidson
(Shotesham All Saints)
Swainsthorpe  09:30 Swainsthorpe Special - Lesley Cox
(Swainsthorpe St Peter)
 09:30 Swainsthorpe Special - Lesley Cox
(Swainsthorpe St Peter)
 09:30 Holy Communion - Austin Uzoigwe
(Swainsthorpe St Peter)
 09:30 Swainsthorpe Special - Austin Uzoigwe
(Swainsthorpe St Peter)
Tasburgh  11:00 Freedom Cafe - doors open 10:30am - Freedom Team
(Tasburgh Village Hall)
 09:30 Holy Communion - Dawn Davidson
(St Mary's Tasburgh)
 09:30 Morning Worship - Philip Simmons
(St Mary's Tasburgh)
 09:30 Holy Communion - Austin Uzoigwe
(St Mary's Tasburgh)
Tharston    11:00 Morning Worship - Paul Schwier
(Tharston St Mary)
Upper Tas  11:00 Hoy Communion - Dawn Davidson
(Tacolneston Church)
 11:00 Morning Worship - Lesley Cox
(Hapton Church)
 11:00 Holy Communion - Linda Ricketts
(Forncett St Peters Church)
 09:30 BCP Holy Communion - Linda Ricketts
(Wreningham Church)

11:00 Morning Worship - John Hooper
(Fundenhall Church)
Readings Ephesians 4:1-16 John 6:24-35 Ephesians 4:25-5:2 John 6:35, 41-51 Ephesians 5:15-20 John 6:51-58 Ephesians 6:10-20 John 6:56-69

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