Local Houses of Prayer - Thy Kingdom Come
These seek to be effective prayer-based missional communities, connected with the Benefice. A Local House of Prayer is people meeting to pray for their area and for their community It could start with 2 people or even just 1.
It might be part of an established cell meeting
It could meet on a day and time that is suitable for its members. .
There are 2 Local Houses of Prayer in TASBURGH
Emmanuel Group LHoP meets every Friday morning 10.00am-12.00 noon in The Church Room, Tasburgh. Please contact Austin Uzoigwe.
Tasburgh LHoP meets at 10.00am on 1st and 3rd Wednesday mornings at St Mary's Church Tasburgh. Please contact
Austin Uzoigwe
The purpose of a local house of prayer is for God's Kingdom to come in the area for which it prays. "God's Kingdom" simply means what happens when God is in charge - blessings such as good relationships, joy, peace, economic stability, health, growth, refreshment, love... etc.
1. To seek to learn to pray and to become a prayer-based missional community with others
2. By the help of the Holy Spirit to seek to live a clean life
3. Choose 5 individuals/families to pray for 5mins a day, 5 times a week for 5 weeks
1. Start with worship and praise - Recognise God's presence
2. Use the Lord's prayer as a pattern of intercession for the area
3. Seek blessing over the local area - (A useful pattern is Body, Labour, Emotions, Social, Spiritual)
4. Pray collectively for the individuals for whom the members pray daily
5. Pray for God to send "workers into his harvest field" in your area.
6. Engage with these questions
a) Who/ what can you affirm/bless?
b) To whom can you show mercy/ kindness?
c) With whom can you share good news?
d) What opportunities is God opening up for you as a group to bless your local area?
e) Who else should you ask to join this local house of prayer?
7. Keep going. Persistence is key. Continue to seek God's Kingdom. Rejoice and celebrate in God and in his answers to your prayers.
If you would like to explore whether being a member of a House of Prayer is for you, contact y Rev Austin Uzoigwe on 01508 470901 or come along to one of the advertised meetings to find out more.