St. Mary's Church

Welcome to St Mary's Church, Newton Flotman

Welcome to St Mary's Church, Newton Flotman

We are a village church with a congregation of all ages and an informal family feel.  We hold weekly services and over the course of each month we aim to provide a style of service and worship to suit everyone. We are blessed in having worship leaders who offer us opportunities to sing traditional hymns and modern worship songs. We have a projector and a screen which means that we can be versatile in what we can offer. 

On the first Sunday each month we hold a said Holy Communion at 8am, followed at 4.00 pm by Cafe Church at Newton Flotman Primary School, which is an informal all age service with refreshments beforehand.

On the second Sunday at 11am we worship together in a service of Family Communion with provision of activities for younger church members.

On the third and fourth Sundays of the month, we hold a service of Morning Worship at 11am. This is a service of worship and the word with provision of activities for younger church members.

We hold a weekly prayer meeting at 9.00 am on Fridays.

We are fortunate in our facilities with free wi-fi, an accessible toilet, kitchenette and church room attached to the church. These enable us to provide other services and opportunities to share God's love in practical ways too, especially through serving within our own village.

Every Saturday morning we hold “Coffee Stop” in the Church Room from 10.00 am to 12 midday. This is run by a team of willing volunteers, providing tea, coffee, soft drinks and a selection of cakes and savouries available for a donation to Church funds. It provides a chance to get together and catch up!

We also host an outreach Post Office from 2.00 -4.00 pm every Tuesday, a monthly Community lunch, a fortnightly Mardle & Social Club, Church Mice, Crafting for a Cause and our village heritage Group, NFaST. The church room is also available for private hire for functions and meetings.

We publish the monthly village newsletter “Partnership” and details of our key contacts, services and activities can be found in there. You can also keep an eye on the benefice facebook page Tas Valley Ministry. 

Members of St Mary’s Newton Flotman church are very engaged with the wider community and plans are moving forward to re-order the church building for wider community use.   

Why not follow up on the information on this page using the contact details shown and join us for some or all of our activities. We look forward to welcoming you.



4 months to go

Coming Up Next...

The Grand Village Fete

A fun afternoon for all the family with traditional games, classic and elite cars, food and drink, raffle and music.  To make it happen, we need a team of volunteers so please do get in touch if you wish to be involved.  We would love to hear from you.  See Teresa's details in Contact.

Contact Teresa for more details - 01508 498277

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Latest News/Feature...

Tas Valley Benefice Newsletter

To view the latest edition of the Tas Valley Benefice Newsletter please click on the PDF document in Featured Resources Available For Download at the bottom of this page.



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