St. Peter's Church

Welcome to our church


We are a small and friendly village church, seeking to serve our local community.

In 2012 work was completed to convert our building into a community friendly space. As a result we have an open space, comfortable chairs, improved heating, a kitchen area and an outside toilet; all of which is used by the church and the community on a regular basis.

Services are at 9.30am each Sunday and our worship is simple and accessible. There is the “Swainsthorpe Special” which is a worship service with well known hymns and a short but highly relevant sermon. We feel it is important to apply our faith to our real lives. This service is usually followed by refreshments. Once a month  we have a service of Holy Communion. 




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Tas Valley Benefice Newsletter

To view July's edition of the Tas Valley Benefice Newsletter click on the PDF document in Featured Resources Available For Download at the bottom of this page.



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