All Saints & St. Mary's

Welcome to our churches

We are one congregation meeting in two wonderful medieval buildings. The parish of Shotesham is geographically one of the largest in the Diocese of Norwich (as well as one of the most beautiful) and is located some five miles to the south of the city and two miles to the east of the A140 road to Ipswich.

It is unusual in having four mediaeval churches (two in ruins and two regularly used) in a village of just over 500 residents. We offer a warm welcome (with refreshments afterwards) to all who come to join us for our services which are traditional but informal in style. We particularly enjoy the countryside services and we are developing our work with the younger generation as well. Lifts can be arranged for those who find any difficulty in getting to the services.

Shotesham appears in a 'Top 10 Holy Places and Holy Spaces' of Norfolk, as compiled by a church in King's Lynn. Click here to visit the page and listen to the audio podcasts and more.


4 months to go

Coming Up Next...

The Grand Village Fete

A fun afternoon for all the family with traditional games, classic and elite cars, food and drink, raffle and music.  To make it happen, we need a team of volunteers so please do get in touch if you wish to be involved.  We would love to hear from you.  See Teresa's details in Contact.

Contact Teresa for more details - 01508 498277

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Tas Valley Benefice Newsletter

To view the latest edition of the Tas Valley Benefice Newsletter please click on the PDF document in Featured Resources Available For Download at the bottom of this page.



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